Friday, August 25, 2006

Hurricane Katrina's Beauty

Katrina was a devastating hurricane. Before it hit New Orleans, it swept through South Florida uprooting trees, ripping hole in roofs and knocking down powerlines. We were lucky to have been spared the full strength of Katrina which impacted New Orleans a few days later.

After boarding up the windows, bringing in the plants and crating the two stray cats that lived in my backyard, I took a drive through Fort Lauderdale. Sitting on the beach, I captured an image that shows that nature is strangely beautiful, even when she is about to be destructive.

tropical storm katrina

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What the fuck is going on?!?!

Just to recap the last two days:

  • Didn't get a loan to buy the family business
  • Unemployed
  • Car broken down to the tune of $1,255.00
  • New cell phone isn't working, so sent back to Sprint
  • Severe breakout of eczema due to stress

The only light at the end of the tunnel for me right now is that I've been asked to submit 20 prints to a gallery. Okay, I'm gonna go back to bed now, get some sleep and wake up to a better day. Tonight is $3 Long Island Ice Tea at Georgie's Alibi and I intend to go and drown my troubles (even if I have to ride my bike there!).

Enjoy this eye-candy.

Dan Rider
Yup, another shirtless cowboy

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

In Honour of WhatBlog

Sorry to say, but RJ has decided to close his blog. Because it is 5AM and I'm only up out of habit and because The Dog required a stroll, consider this a temporary entry. More when I'm conscious.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Man, oh man...I need a man

I think one of the hardest things about being single is not having a ready sexual partner. Well, that's one hard thing, the other is the lack of physical intimacy. I like having someone to hold in bed. I like having someone to lay next to me on the sofa while watching a movie. One of the things I miss about The Ex is just holding him. I loved those quick touches when we passed each other in the house. The way he would come up behind me while I was cooking and just hold me for a second from behind. I need physical intimacy in my life. I tried having a "cuddle buddy" and I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the same. He also wanted it to go sexual, and I wasn't looking for that.

I suppose, what I need to do is get out there and find a man. My only trouble is that I can't seem to meet a guy that interests me. There are alot of guys to whom I'm physically or sexually attracted, but not both. I'm also having a hard time because I compare any guy I meet to The Ex (yeah, I know I shouldn't do it). Still, it is hard not to do that. I don't know. Maybe there's a guy out there for me. Maybe I should wait longer before I start dating again. I'm just not sure if I'll ever meet anyone to love again. I don't know if after The Ex, I'll ever be able to open my heart up 100% to anyone. Still, who knows what the future holds.

On a non-man related note, I'm going to be opening a new website soon. Not sure if it will be the same as my old site or not. I'm thinking more along the lines of a site to display my photography and sell prints. We'll see.

I'll leave you guys with a few more photos. Oh, be sure to check out Oh La La Paris who have been nice enough to list me twice on their blog. Tons of very good links and pics of hotties.

Lucy & Jim by the window

Friday, August 11, 2006

Boys on Boards

Much thanks to the guys at Oh La La Paris for mentioning my blog and featuring some of my photos. I kind of had an idea they had featured me when I suddenly went from 20-30 hits and hour to 600 hits in one hour!

Interesting days lately. Got an e-mail from The Ex about taking down my letter to him. I just don't want to. I don't see how my replacement his new love is gonna find this blog. Besides, he despises anyone hiding things from him, so I'm sure he wouldn't want to hide anything from anyone.

On to other things. I notice a certain local blogger is on the front page of The 411 Magazine website. Before anyone rushes to check, it isn't me.

I'm trying to work on a pornstar interview, but we'll see what happens. So far, so good, but scheduling has turned out to be a pain in the butt. However, if I want it to happen, it will (I'm an extremely determined person).

Okay, back to slaving away. I leave y'all with some surf photos that didn't make it onto the Oh La La Paris blog. Enjoy!

Rockstar Surfer - Post-surf portrait Ryan Pondering the Surf - CS2 Gradient Map/Colour Burn Experiment Contemplating Blond Surfersurfers03ritasurfer025bw conversion with plugin

Sunday, August 06, 2006

300mm of pleasure

It is long. It is black. It is so very hard. When I twist it, it gets longer and longer and longer. I think I'm in love with it. "It" is my new 300 mm lens. Yeah, I finally decided that it wasn't easy to shoot street photography from afar and dudes surfing with my 150mm. Still, that 150mm will get tons of use.

Boring kinda life lately. Hooked up with a guy from the other day and that was a terrible, terrible experience. Look, if you're tweaked out on meth just let me know in advance so I can cross you off my "to do list". I think every guy online is some sort of meth addict these days. It just seems that everytime I do an online "dial-a-dick", it ends up with some tweaked out guy.

I hit the beach today and had some fun photographing the surfers. I need to find a gay surfer to date. All those guys are so nice and totally laid back, which is the kind of guy I need.

Here's a bit more of my photography, which I hope y'all like. Feel free to leave a comment! Oh, if you're a certain local blogger known for his good looks and pleasant demeanor; I want to photograph you and I've only got 7 days left to do it!

Believe it, or not, this is my dentist!
The DentistB&W Artistic Male Nude 0419sleepingthug

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Useless Vacation & BBB (big black butt)

I'm on vacation for two weeks. However, I havn't left town and I've gone to work almost every day this week to regrease machines, clean out the ovens, repaint, re-tile and re-line the parking lot. The rest of my days, I'm fixing up my mother's new condo, which is freakin' huge and way too high up for me.

I just want to get out of town for even a few day so badly! I'm jus thinking it isn't gonna happen. As much as I want to go, I know I'm just going to spend the time here working on stuff.

I was hoping to photograph some people while I'm on vacation, but my "models" have disappeared from the Earth. Hopefully, that storm comes close by this weekend and I can get some good shots of the people surfing.

Those of you who had seen my website (still not sure about reopening) might remember a well hung black man with a huge butt. Well, he's since moved on to making movies for Miami Studios as Luis Taylor. I found a couple of old "artistic" shots of him and thought y'all might like to see 'em.

luis taylor 004luis taylor 003
luis taylor 002luis taylor 001

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Simon Rex Raps (and shows a wee bit of buttcrack)

Okay, I haven't posted in a bit. Unfortunately, I've been pretty sick and I'm just now getting better. I don't think going to work everyday with a fever, cough and laryngitis helped much.

Anyway, for your visual and auditory pleasure, I present Simon Rex a/k/a DJ McDirtyNasty. Trust me. Watch this and laugh your ass off.

I had to remove the embedded player. It was slowing down page loading. Just click the following link to be taken to the video: